Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Quiz 9

Ok Guys and Gals - so here comes quiz no 9.

Identify the batchmate !


Now I feel like I can’t recognize anyone except whom I see often in Bay Area like Anil, Suman, Aman, Sushil, Kaushik, Raja etc.
I think, we definetly need reunion to reconnect.

I use to think my memory is sharp, not any more…..

Sanjay Kumar
I did get today's Quiz and am totally clueless. - Brijesh
Sushil kr ..the gentle man of elect engg - Alok Verma
( Oh No ! - Look at the girl Alok!! )
"Ok I think I have cracked this one.... :)

9A - Bhavani, Nagesh, Sudeepti and Siddarth
9B - Nagesh, Sudeepti and Siddarth ....(I assume)

I know Bhavani will murder me if its not them. I think I last saw them wayback in 1995 so its been a long time, and I know the names of the kids from the new year greetings.

Hope that is correct!! " - Sharmila

"Well, to quickly answer your question, the pic is of Bhavani? " - Shanti
" That's Bhavani with her husband, Nagesh, and children Sudeepti and Siddharth.

The reason I hadn't replied to the previous mails is because I honestly hadn't recognized some of the faces - all of us seem to have changed so much!
And I wouldn't have recognized you either if somebody hadn't identified you." - Suprabha


So Quiz # 9 ka answer lock kiya jaye - Bhawani Kuppa

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