Ok - Who is this ?
This is Tapendra Kumar (Mech)- Sanjay Jha
Good work Sanjay - I would never have got this one!
Tapendra - I have not forgotten your sister's Chocolate Cake - It was the best I have ever eaten ! - Hema
Surprised at the texture of his hair...none other than Tapender kumar...kaha ho bhai - Alok Verma
This is Tapendra Kumar of Mechanical 1986-90 batch. He used to be a PTH (like Part time PTL, Part Time Hosteller). His family used to be in Digwadih and he was in Sindri, so like IT consultants of this age, he used to be in hostel for four-five days and then during the week ends with family....more or less like Raja Uttam Kumar as well....who must have been a regular passanger of Friday evening Sindri Passanger....
Hi Tapendra,
Where are you these days?
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