Naresh Sahu worte....
He died of illness in Ranchi on 20th April 2010 3:00AM. Left behind a son (15-16 Yrs Age). He was employed in Bokaro. Was close to Alok Verma. Binny (Binod) was with him durng his last time.
I don't know what to write. But my my condolences to his family.
May his soul rest in peace.
Sanjay Jha wrote....
IT was rather a rude shock that I heard about this news 3 days back separately from Durga, Pritam and then on IM from Saurabh. I, honestly speaking, did not know how to react to this, I was in a state of denial for sometimes and hoped against hope that it turns out to be wrong news. But sadly, it is now for real that the golden voice of our batch has been silenced forever.
BMT, as we used to call him popularly was one of the first friends that I met at BIT. He was in our next room (#22) in Hostel 10 and we were very close since there used to be evening "adda" at the terrace, near Alok Varma's room in Hostel #10. We used to have a lot of great performances such as instant English translation of some of the popular Hindi songs (Ram Teri Ganga Maili's title song still stands out and fresh) by Avinash Sharma, jokes, some updates on happenings in campus and finally a soulful singing from BMT. He used to be a very enjoyable person who would participate in all the activities we used to do in our hostel whether it used to be dancing or running around and pour water on each other during summer time! I cannot forget his look with handkerchief folded and tied around his forehead, which Binod Singh (Mech.) aka Ried(wa), also used to do. And when it used to be time to go to mess, sometimes he would stop by in the room and would walk almost silently and suddenly say coming close to my ears, in a very deep voice which was his unique style. Later we had been in Art's club where we would go together and spend hours on singing practice sessions. I must say that he used to sing absolutely great and it used to be a real treat to be with him during those practice sessions. He used to be relaxed and so casual during his performance that once I remember during Swar-Sandhya perhaps, he was seating with us in DPA and when it was about 10-15 minutes before his turn, we went to have smoke and Paan at Goshala Gate. He was being searched meanwhile, by the organizers and as soon as he was spotted by them near the DPA, he was whisked away and next thing we saw that he was on the stage with microphone in his hand. Such was his relaxed and casual approach. The next 15-20 minutes while he would be on the stage used to be some great entertainment, rendering some great Kishore Kumar numbers. I remember that we used to pull his leg by imitating his unique vibrating style in singing; while talking to him and he would be teased by that and say in a deep throated sound –“Badtameez…” I had been to his house couple of times during our college days and I remember some good times we had together in around Ranchi; we had visited lot of our batch mates during those periods.
As it happened with most of us, it took almost 15 years when we realized the need to regroup and remember our batch mates and we had that get together at Sindri in 2006. During that visit to India, I had last spoken to him. Actually, I and Alok had played a small prank. Alok and BMT were together in IT Department and he asked me to call BMT projecting myself as “someone” who was working as a junior trainee under him. BMT had replied in his same old style! We had spoken for few minutes and that is the last I remember of him.
The other day I was talking to someone who had aptly summed up that we have come to that age bracket now, where we would be hearing most of the things from each other what we used to see and/or hear about happening with our previous generations- while we will keep on singing –
“उम्र कब की बरस के सफैद हो गयी
कारी बदरी जवानी की चाट टी नहीं
वल्ला ये धड़कन भादने लगी है
चेहरे की रंगत उड़ने लगी है
डर लगता है तनहा सोने में जी
दिल तो बच्चा है जी..”
However, we were discussing more in terms of sharing our current personal state of affairs in terms of aging medical problems but BMT’s news is a far stretching to what we had discussed! True, it is sad but an awakening call that time has come now when we need to start paying attention to our health and start taking the best care of it. Alas, BMT’s demise has been a saddening but an awakening call for all of us, as whatever I have heard about his cause of death leads me to believe that sadly he was not keeping well for sometime due to neglect to his body/medical problems. Let this be an eye-opener for all of us.
The sad part is that BMT may have chosen to continue his journey all alone, but the stark realities of his family who will need support and live without him has to continue facing day to day problems without him. There comes our BIT family who needs to step up and extend all help and support to them. I am sure we all want to do whatever possible for them, but someone needs to be in contact with them and convey and assure the same from all of us.
BMT’s favorite song sums up his whole life journey-
मंजिलो पे आ के लूटते है दिलों के कारवां
कश्तिय साहिल पे अक्सर डूबती है प्यार की
मंजिले अपनी जगह है रास्ते अपनी जगह
जब कदम ही साथ ना दे तो मुसाफिर क्या करे.
On Apr 24, 2010, at 10:42 AM, Alok Verma wrote:
Dear friends
Their is a loss and it pains ..then their is some bigger loss and it hurts more..but loosing someone like BMT(..baba..balti..baalu...)will always leave a wound which will never heal...the loss is irrepairable.
Really god has been very cruel.
Baalu left us on 20th morning at 3.05 am..he was at ranchi and was suffering from jaundice.On 18th he had come to know abt his serious condition and had a discussion with binod (binny)who was at his house in the evening...but as usual his casual approach towards every thing stopped binod from admitting him to a hospital.On 19th his condition deteriorated and was taken to gurunanak hospital by binny at 12.30 pm where he breathed his last..binod was by his side.
At around 3.45 i got a call from binod and kept on wondering whether it was true or false..in a state of shock i dialled baalu's number only to be shocked again by the voice of his young son...
BMT drove to ranchi (two months back he got a new car)on the 14th and i had a discussion with him abt his health and a minor operation he was planning to undergo at BGH(bokaro gen hospital)..i always use to joke that "tum ko doctor nahi mochi se operaton karwana parega"..i even narrated his humurous replies to saurabh and binod on the 16th.
our better halves use to envy when we use to spend time together and laugh our hearts out..
I work inside the unit and he worked at the admin block in a deptt called business planning..whenever i had a meeting at the admin block i use to go to his office and never ever was he found tense or unhappy
or sad...something very typical of balmukund...
One day his air condition was not working and he had opened his shirt and was sitting bare body on his chair...i was surprised to which he replied.."Eak board laga dete hai office ke baahar..enter at ur own risk"
he was unique and priceless and loved and liked by all in his office rt from his typist to his seniors..i went to his room on 21st and all his office people where in tears.
His wife aarti is planning to stay at ranchi as his mother is alone and his son will be admitted to a school at ranchi after his 10th resuts are out..the boy is really innocent and his best friend was baalu...really feel very sad for him..
May god give all the sterngth to him and his mother and his grand mother pl god pl do
Alok Verma
From bokaro
This is so sad...May God grant him peace, and his family the strength to bear this great loss.
I remember the touching songs that Balmukund used to sing...and reading the memoirs posted here, all the memories have flooded back in, and the heart is filled with deep sadness....I can't find the words to express it.
I agree with Sanjay… we have lost a good friend, but this should be a wakeup call for all of us. Like it or not...we have all aged and have to take better care of our health. Death is inevitable and creeps up on us silently and takes us by surprise. Let us be better prepared and value relationships and friends that we have..."Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass; it’s about learning to dance in the rain".
It was a real shock when I got a SMS at 5 am from Mr Saurabh Kumar on the same day.
Can I have his photo if any one have?
I am not able to recollect his face.
Ajay Dave
i am very disturbed since i read this shocking news. It is a great loss. let us be in touch and do whatever possible.
Brij Mohan
Kumar, Sanjay
I don’t know how to communicate. May his soul rest in peach and God give his family much needed strength this needed time.
Let me know if anyway I can help.
Sanjay Kumar
sushuma kumari
it really is very sad news. May his soul rest in peace and god give strength to his family members to bear this great loss and sail throgh this bad time .
Sushuma Kumari
Pritam Jaipuriar
I heard about this through a separate mail thread but honestly speaking did not have the courage to reply. It is just hard to believe that this tragedy has struck one of our friends.
I'm deeply saddened and shocked to hear this news. My heartfelt condolences to Balmukund's family.
I can recall the times we spent together at college, we used to talk and chat in the usual manner in our hostel rooms. We would joke and poke fun and tease him to sing 'Manzilein Apni Jagah...' with some more 'vibration in the voice. He was a good singer - a vey joyous attitude and overall a sensitive person.
It is such a cruel reality - he's not with us today...It'd be good to convey to BMT's wife and kids our heartfelt condolences and deep thoughts.
Please feel free to reachout to me should you plan to do anything as a group. I'd say if someone close can talk to his family, keep in touch and update us that would be great.
With Deepest Thoughts,
Ujjwal Sinha
Very Sad . We will always remember him as a very lively singing person.
If we can do something for his son's education it would be a help to the family.
Ujjwal sinha
Sonam Sinha
Dear All,
It was really shock of a life time when Saurabh Kumar gave the news of Balmukund's untimely demise at 06:00 AM in the morning on the 20th of April.
We can offer our condolences to his family and pray to God that his soul rests in peace.
I am also of the opinion that we should help his family in whatever best way possible.
My special thanks to Binny also for standing by the side of Balmukund's family and helping them in their hour of grief.
Sonam Sinha
We are all saddened by Balmukund's sudden passing away. I am in touch with Binny (our batch mate) who is in Ranchi and helping Balmukund's family.
I can't go into details but let me state that Balmukund's family will definitely need our support.
I will try to get Balmukund's wife contact info...
Let's try to help (monetarily) as much as we can.
rana ramesh
It's really shocking to know about Balmukund sad demise. This is time to give morale support to his family on behalf of BIT fraternity. I am sure someone, who is close to Balmukund's family and staying in Ranchi will take intitiative and do needful. Let us all together support his family whatever way we can do. Sometimes I do visit Ranchi. Grateful if someone can post Ranchi Address and Contact No.
Rana Ramesh
Basu, Mohua
It is such a rude shock.I will always remember Balmukund as a very jolly person and always with a smile.He is used to stay near my house in Ranchi .Let us all pray to the Almighty for his family.May God grant the strength they need to tide over this.
If anyone can get us the nos. of his family it would be very nice .Maybe we can all think of helping his son and wife cope with this crisis in some way.Where are his parents?
It was really a shocking news to all of us, the BIT fraternity. Only recently a grand re-union of 86 batch was done successfully at Delhi. And suddenly when the Sad news was received via SMS from Sourav I was really shocked and spell bound.
After passing out from College, and before getting a job, I had become very close to Balmukund. Every day we were meeting either at his house or Bhritendu Bagchi’s house or Prakash Tiwari’s house or Nilanjan Biswas’s (Jagan) house.
But as usual, after getting jobs we become too busy with our new assignments and remained out of touch. But recently, around two months back, one day, late at Night I got a surprise call from Balmukund and we talked quiet long.
Then this news, I am really shocked. May his soul rest in peace and may god give strength to his family to bear such a loss.
Akhoury Prasant Kumar
Senior Engineering Services Manager
Panipat Refinery
Indian Oil Corporation
Panipat; Haryana
Indeed Sad news at so early stage of life, Deep condolence for the family. May his soul rest in peace
Awanish Kumar
Manager (PC-MO), Polymers, IOCL
subodh Agarwal
May the god give strength to Balmukund's family to bear this loss .
Kind Regards
Subodh Agarwal
MAHLE Engine Components India Private Limited
Shashi Bhushan Kumar
Really very sad news for us. My condolences to his family.
Brijesh said...
This is a very very sad news. My heart goes out to Balmukund's family. My heartfelt condolences.
avinash sharma
Dear all,
Life is fragile. Balu...Kishore Da of our time. Such vivid memories. Hope and Wish quick recovery to all.
If it gives any consolation...we all will join him! Let us make a pledge to be contend with what God has given us.
Let all angers vanish from our heart. Ye Dosti hum nahi chodenge...
Om Sai Ram
pradip kumar barnwal
Dear Friends,
Heart-breaking loss. Only a mere jaundice should not be a reason to be lost from family. I'm unable to express anything, only feel condolence to his family. I got this sad news from Raja Uttam, Ajay Dave and then by Sweta Kulshreshtha.
Thanks to u all.
Shweta Kulshrestha
Too shocking. A precious life tragically cut short. My heartfelt condolence to his family. I'm there in which ever way we decide to give our support.
This is very distressing. just last week I was going through pictures from
our college days. Balmukund was a very good singer. his rendition of Kishore
Kumar songs especially memorable. My deepest condolences to his son, wife
and mother.
I would like to be part of any effort to offer our support, or commemorate
his life.
Anant Ranjan
Balmukund will be always with us within our hearts.
we all are shoked to hear the very veryyyyy sad news about bal mukund.
Let us meet at INDIA GATE, NEW DELHI. on saturday 1st May 2010 in the evening at 7 PM for the condolense.
satish sinha
i am deeply hurt and moved by this unexpected demise of our beloved friend "Balu".
I recall moments spent with him in Arts club and others all locations in Mess, Goshala, Shaherpura and hostel common rooms.
My sincere Condolences.
I am at Ranchi and trying Binni to reach out to his family members for lending any possible supporting finger for his son.
May his soul remain in peace.
satish sinha
hema verma
This is so sad...May God grant him peace, and his family the strength to bear this great loss.
I remember the touching songs that Balmukund used to sing...and reading the memoirs posted here and at http://www.bits1990.blogspot.com/ … all the memories have flooded back in, and the heart is filled with deep sadness.
I agree with all of you that we should help the family. I also agree with what Sanjay Jha has said in his post… we have lost a good friend, but this should be a wakeup call for all of us. Like it or not...we have all aged and have to take better care of our health. Death is inevitable and creeps up on us silently and takes us by surprise. Let us be better prepared and value relationships and friends that we have..."Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass; it’s about learning to dance in the rain".
Vivek Shrivastav
The demise of Bal Mukund is sad and disturbing news.
We pray to God that his soul may rest in peace and give strength to family to overcome the grief.
Vivek Shrivastava
This is a very very sad news. My heart goes out to Balmukund's family. My heartfelt condolences.
Probably God is in need of nice people like you Balmukund , miss you buddy and hope someday will meet you at lords place again, cannot forget the last treker trip to eat butter chicken , paan, purani jeans and your awaaz...
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